لوگوی مطب دکتر جعفری
gum surgery

gum surgery

What is gum surgery?

Outpatient surgeries performed in the office with local anesthesia on the gums are generally called gingival surgeries, but depending on the purpose of the surgery, there are different types, and in this article we will briefly explain each of these treatments. We will list common surgeries first and then give a brief description of each.

Types of gingival surgeries include:

1. Surgery to remove cysts and tumors from the gums
۲. Crown lengthening surgery
3. Envelope removal surgery
4. Periodontal surgery
5. Epico surgery (removal of the infection from the end of the root)
6. Corrective gingival surgery before making artificial teeth
7. Gum lift surgery
8. Bone graft and implant surgery


In the following, we have provided very useful and useful information about each of these types of surgeries.

1. Surgery to remove cysts and tumors from the gums: As the name implies, it is performed in cases where there is a lump in the gum area, and usually after removal, the lump should be sent to a pathology laboratory to determine the type of gum disease (benign, Malignancy and…) that cause a mass to be identified for us and if necessary, complementary therapies for the person. Benign or malignant masses in the mouth are either seen as abnormal bumps or are detected on periodic radiographic examinations.

2. Crown lengthening surgery: In two cases ‌ This surgery is performed first in cases where the tooth decay has penetrated to the area under the gums and must be removed before repairing or covering the gums around the caries. Second, in cases where the tooth needs a veneer but its height is short to hold the veneer and is slightly removed from the gums with surgery and the height of the crown is increased.

3. Envelope removal surgery: It is performed in cases where the gum disease has developed due to severe plaque and plaque and the connection between the tooth and the surrounding gums is lost and an empty space is created in this area which becomes a place for accumulation of food debris and bacteria. Causes bad breath, inflammation and bleeding gums. In these cases, with the help of surgery, inflamed tissues and food debris and bacteria are removed from the environment and the connection between the tooth and the surrounding gums is re-established.

4. Periodontal surgery: This surgery is similar to case 3, but the scope of operation is slightly wider and is performed in cases where the gum disease is more severe than case 3 and in addition to damage to the gums around the teeth, jaw bone and tooth roots are also damaged. Here, in addition to correcting gum problems, we must also repair damage to the bones and roots of the teeth. Symptoms of extensive periodontal disease include bad breath, inflammation and bleeding gums, dull pain, and mild to moderate loosening of the teeth.

5. Epico surgery is performed in cases where there is an infection at the end of the tooth root. These infections usually resolve after endodontic treatment (neurosurgery), but there are rare cases where the infection persists after denervation or temporarily heals and recurs after a few years. In these cases, surgery removes the root end infection. we do. The sign of a root canal infection is the sensitivity of the tooth to impact or the presence of abscesses and pus in the area of ​​the gingival end of the tooth, and we must confirm the infection by radiography.

6. Corrective gingival surgery before making artificial teeth: In some cases, the gums are not of good quality for holding artificial teeth (so-called extra meat in some areas).

7. Gingival lift surgery: This is a type of surgery that has recently become popular and is very similar to crown lengthening surgery. This surgery is usually performed on the front teeth to make them look taller and make them smile more beautifully. This surgery is usually performed in conjunction with cosmetic treatments such as laminating.

8. Bone and implant surgery: Finally, we must mention that implant implantation is one of the most common surgeries performed on the gums, sometimes before or during implant implantation, bone reconstruction and transplantation is required, which is done with surgery.

Steps of gingival surgery

The first session, examination: (regardless of its type) is as follows: first in a clinical examination session, and if necessary, radiography is performed and the required treatment is determined, then the time for surgery is determined, if there are special medical conditions. Such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, long-term use of corticosteroids, and. May require consultation with a treating physician that will be requested.

Session 2, day of surgery: The day of surgery, the previous meal should be eaten whole, in some cases it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics or painkillers to the patient before surgery, which will be done in advance.

درمان و جراحی لثه

After gingival surgery, we should observe the following:

Care after gingival surgery and crown length increase

Sometimes, after surgery, a surgical dressing is used to stop the bleeding, and sometimes sterile gauze is used. After half an hour, if there is still heavy bleeding, we should use another gas in the position and this new gas should remain in place for half an hour, do not replace the sterile gas separately, because the risk of increased bleeding it has.

Care up to 24 after surgery

Avoid the following for at least 24 hours after oral surgery:

  • smoking
  • Drink with straw
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Drink hot liquids
  • Severe emptying of the contents of the mouth or nose (severe spitting and…)
  • On the day of surgery, eat lukewarm soup, natural fruit juice (without straw) and ice cream.

Continuous care until one week later

  • از یکساعت بعد از جراحی شستشوی ملایم با محلول دهانشویه کلرهگزیدین در محل جراحی باید انجام شود، شستشو روزی ٣-۴ مرتبه و به مدت یکهفته باید انجام شود، توجه کنید خصوصا در ۴٨ ساعت اول شستشو بسیار ملایم باید انجام شود.
  • در صورتیکه برای شما دارو تجویز شده لطفا دقیق و طبق دستور استفاده نمایید.
  • یکهفته بعد از انجام جراحی برای چک آپ و برداشتن بخیه ها به مطب مراجعه کنید

دیگر مراقبت ها

From one hour after surgery, gentle rinsing with chlorhexidine mouthwash should be done at the surgical site, rinsing should be done 3-4 times a day for a week, note that especially in the first 40 hours, very gentle rinsing should be done.

If you are prescribed medicine, please use it carefully and according to the instructions.

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