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The solution to having white and healthy teeth

One of the most important reasons for not smiling is not having bright white teeth. Some people hide their teeth because they do not have white and shiny teeth in the photos and are always looking for a solution to solve this problem. Having white and beautiful teeth is very important these days, so you should know how to have white teeth and increase your information about it. Because in the first relationship with people, when you talk to them, the first factor in the beauty of the appearance of the teeth is considered. If you have yellow and spotted teeth, you will not have enough confidence to talk.

How to have white teeth

As you know, one of the most important factors for having white and shiny teeth is oral hygiene. Flossing and brushing are some of the things that should be done regularly and daily to prevent yellowing of the teeth. Of course, you need to know that smoking and some beverages can affect the yellowing of your teeth. You may be interested to know the cause of yellowing of your teeth!

Enamel is a hard tissue that is located on the teeth and dentin. Dentin is light brown in color. Sometimes thinning of the enamel may cause the dentin to appear, which is why your teeth turn yellow. Be unhappy This is common in adults. Because this is somewhat normal with age. Over time, with the consumption of different foods, the teeth change color and will no longer be as white and shiny as before.

If you want to have white teeth, you need to use a toothbrush after every meal and drink. As you know, this is not an easy task and there may be times when you neglect brushing! People who are accustomed to drinking alcohol are more prone to yellowing of teeth and caries, so it is recommended to use a straw to drink soft drinks and drink water after each drink.

Natural Dental Care Solutions

If you want to have white teeth, you can also use traditional but practical treatments and methods. As you know, baking soda is a rough substance and can have a high cleansing power, so you can use baking soda after brushing. Another home method of teeth whitening is to rotate coconut oil in the mouth. Is this method really effective? We have to say yes, using coconut oil can be useful. Most people who have used this method to whiten their teeth are pregnant.

Your question must be how to use coconut oil to whiten teeth. You can put a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 5 to 20 minutes or you can dip a handkerchief in coconut oil and brush your teeth. Rub your hair. Using coconut oil and squeezing it is a natural solution and has no side effects, so you can use this method safely.

It may be interesting for you, but orange peel contains useful acids and you can use it to whiten your teeth, but it must be said that using it too much can also damage the enamel, so be sure to rinse your teeth after use.

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