لوگوی مطب دکتر جعفری

Resume of Dr. Mojabi Jafari

Dr. Jafari was born in 1344 in Rudsar, Guilan province He entered Shiraz University in 1983 and graduated in electronics in 1987 and in the same year participated in the experimental field entrance exam and was accepted with honors in the field of dentistry of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. In 1372, they passed their manpower plan in one of the cities of Semnan province and were responsible for oral health of the health network. They were active in Semnan province from 1372 to 1378, and since then they have been providing dental services in Mehrshahr, Karaj. He has always used the engineering point of view in dental services and believes that performing dental services is based on the technical and engineering point of view, and based on this, special and superior treatments can be provided. The satisfaction of more than 95% of his patients is a proof of this claim. Considering that his doctoral dissertation is related to "stress in dentistry and ways to deal with it", so the basis of his dental work, in addition to technical and engineering views, is based on the psychological attitude and relaxation technique of the patient before starting treatment. 

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